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Maven No Spit Grip (NSG)

Start Applying: Hold the puck firmly in your hand. Rub the puck against the bat shaft in a up and down pattern, making lines on the shaft. Apply enough pressure to transfer the wax onto the shaft, but not so much that you scrape off chunks of wax.

Adjust Pressure: The amount of pressure you apply to the puck will affect the texture and coverage. Experiment with different techniques to achieve the desired level.

Now just squeze that area with your gloves (or bearhands) to apply NSG.. Its that easy. 

Remember, applying No Spit Grip is a personal preference, so feel free to experiment with different techniques and amounts to find what works best for you and the conditions you'll be hitting in.

Maven Glove Balm
Make sure your leather baseball or softball glove is
clean and dry before applying the balm

Start by testing a small amount of Maven's Glove Balm on a hidden patch of leather to preview the results. Once you are satisfied you can start to massage Maven Glove Balm evenly into the surface of the leather glove.

While most of the balm will be absorbed into the surface of the leather,  by design the beeswax will not penetrate the surface and act as a barrier to provide protection from the elements.

Reapply Maven Glove Balm as necessary to restore, protect and extend the life of your leather baseball or softball glove. (Yes, this can be used on any of your leather goods as well.)